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Hard Facts About Soft Dollars
for Project Expense Bill Back
Resist the temptation to ignore soft costs when it comes to the process of billing clients for their project expenses.
Spoiler alert.
It probably costs the same to process a $15 dinner expense as it does a $450 airfare.
This all starts to make sense once you scratch the surface in a manual process and you
don’t need to dig very deep.
Why? Because everything is pretty much equal in a manual process.
For the spender:
- Enter the item into the expense report.
- Locate the receipt.
- Allocate to the appropriate clients and projects.
- Submit the expense report and receipts.
For the accounts receivable group:
- Gather the expense reports and receipts for billing.
- Copy the expense reports.
- Determine allocations to one or many clients.
- Copy the receipts for all client allocations.
- Enter all the above into a spreadsheet or invoice document.
- Verify every expense whether $15 or $450.
- Final approval process.
- Oh what the heck – make copies for each client!
Same Effort for $15 and $450.
Manual methods could put you upside down.
How much does it cost you to bill back that $15? With automation it’s probably pennies to process the expenses with all things considered.
Every dollar counts. That goes for both hard and soft currencies.
Think about it.